Reducing Your Property Taxes

Dave Albrecht • Apr 06, 2023

The Power of a Cost Seg Study

Parts of a commercial building can be reclassified from real property to personal property through an engineering cost segregation study, or Cost Seg. Building owners can expedite depreciation and possibly lower their tax obligations thanks to this reclassification.

The top 3 reasons to perform a cost seg are as follows:

1. Improved Cash Flow: By accelerating depreciation, their tax liability is decreased. The building owner may experience an increase in cash flow as a result.

2. Increased ROI: For building owners, a cost segment might result in a better return on investment. Building owners may be able to get a faster return on investment by deducting greater costs in the first few years of ownership.

3. Lower Taxes: Building owners may be able to pay less in taxes. by identifying building components that can be reclassified from real property to personal property. This can result in significant tax savings.

Overall, a cost seg Services ( can provide significant advantages for commercial real estate owners, including increased cash flow, improved ROI, and reduced taxes.

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